Saturday, June 1, 2019

Vinland Saga Blog!

Welcome to Vinland Saga Blog!

vinland saga anime blog thorfinn badass adult main character young
Young Thorfinn
I made this blog because Vinland Saga Manga is amazing! And since it's getting anime adaptation on July 7th, 2019. I reaaaaally wanted to make a blog to post news related to the upcoming anime and share thoughts on each episode. Hopefully fans alike come and discuss about the episodes here in contents with me and all other fans!

For all the new people that stumbled upon this blog. Here is information about the Vinland Saga manga and anime.

Vinland Saga is a Japanese historical manga series aimed at younger adult men. The title is associated with 'Vinland' which was described in old Norse sagas. Although it shares similar time period, Viking age, it is not directly connected to the actual historical journey of Vinland. 

The story is set in Dane-controlled England in the 11th century and it features the Danish invaders of England commonly known as Vikings! Plot is focused around main character Thorfinn, who is revenge driven character and historical explorer and also the son of a murdered well known ex-warrior.

vinland saga anime blog thorfinn badass adult main character
Thorfinn's Father